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A Letter to the Class of 2017

Eight frantic freshmen stand in a room, huddled together, running occasionally to the window to stare at the writhing mass of upperclassmen mobbing in front of John Harvard. These Housing Day veterans scream indecipherable slogans and look about as close to football hooligans as Harvard students ever do. They’re scared—you’re scared!—and someone says, decisively, “Anything but…”

Housing Day can often seem so incredibly gargantuan as an event that it’s easy to forget all of the amazing, important things you’ve already done. You’ve taken your first college finals. You’ve navigated the social minefield of Annenberg in September and shivered in the cold of New Haven to watch your football team win for the seventh time in a row (which just so happens to be the second-longest winning streak ever). You’ve laughed, you’ve cried, and you’ve found a small group of people to join you on this seemingly terrifying journey to House life.

But we’re not here to talk about how amazing you are (which is pretty amazing). We’re here to talk about how much we love our Houses. We want you to be excited—not scared—come tomorrow. As much as you’ve found your blocking group to accompany you into upperclassmen life, you’re about to be welcomed into a blocking group of around 300, and they’re all thrilled to meet you.


People have been telling you lots of things about the Houses, and it’s hard to know whom to trust. For most of your freshman year, you’ll have heard getting quadded is roughly equivalent to getting sent to Siberia, and you’re starting to believe it. But then again, some kid in your Ec 10 section told you that most people on the River have, like, four people in one bedroom and all their stuff gets stolen by giant mutant rats, so: Who’s right?

Despite all those rumors, we hope you’ll listen to us, because we’ve all been in your shoes. We’ve had those frantic conversations over dinner in Annenberg, endured the relentless drama of blocking, and panicked that this single, merciless algorithm would determine the next three years of our lives. And not only did we make it through to the other side unscathed, but we also made it there triumphant, and so excited to wake up at 7 a.m. to show you guys just how much we love our Houses.

We all have different reasons, too.

For example, when it’s snowing or raining, simply hop on your personal shuttle service—the Mather Express. It’ll get you home to your single in less than 10 minutes. Enjoy a meal with fellow Matherites while gazing out floor-to-ceiling windows in the dining hall made famous by the house’s annual foam party, Mather Lather.

To relax after a long and tiring week, Lowell Tea is the perfect place to enjoy freshly baked treats with your friends and the rest of the Lowell community.

