
Harvard Will Keep Controversial Health Plans, Faust Says, But Will Subsidize Some Affected Employees

“President Faust’s letter is a welcome first step toward revising the university's health benefits proposal,” said History professor Mary D. Lewis, who filed the motion requesting a reversal of the benefits changes at last week’s Faculty meeting, in prepared remarks Thursday. “We would like to see the adjustments the President mentioned go much further toward protecting vulnerable faculty and staff for the upcoming year.”

Lewis added that, “Like the closure of Stillman Infirmary, the proposal may lower Harvard's own healthcare bill, but it won't lower aggregate healthcare costs for the larger Harvard community.”

Sociology professor Mary C. Waters, who along with Lewis and nine other faculty members penned an op-ed denouncing the benefits package, wrote in an email that “response from President Faust is very disappointing.”

“She says they will try to limit the costs of the deductible and co-insurance to 3% of income,” she wrote. “That’s better than nothing but it is a band aid on a hemorrhage.”

—Staff writer Meg P. Bernhard contributed to the reporting of this story.


—Staff writer Steven R. Watros can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @SteveWatros.

—Staff writer Matthew Q. Clarida can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MattClarida.

