
Juszczyk Adjusts to Life in the NFL

Juszczyk added that he turned to Rice a lot this offseason, especially when Leach wasn’t with the team while working out a new contract.

But the veterans have also had some fun with the rookie.

In a meeting last week, coaches were going over the team’s hand signals. When they got to a play Juszczyk knew as “Beijing,” the rookie was confused when coaches said the signal for that play was rubbing your head.

Juszczyk spoke up, asking how rubbing your head could signify the Chinese capital.

“That’s that Harvard thinking right there,” someone joked.


It turned out the play was called Begin, as in the hair care product.

A day before his first NFL preseason game, Juszczyk tweeted a picture of a Chick-Fil-A receipt. As the rookie, it was customary for him to pay for all of the running backs and fullbacks. The total came out to just under $100.

“#RookieObligations,” Juszczyk tweeted.

But all the trouble proved worth it the following night when the Ravens took on Tampa Bay.

Since entering the NFL, Juszczyk still hasn’t been more nervous than he was in the run-up to that night’s game, he said. And that includes his official NFL debut on national television in the season’s kickoff game against Denver.

Juszczyk overcame his nerves against the Buccaneers and impressed his coach while playing special teams. Harbaugh said as much to Juszczyk when the rookie came off the field.

“Coach Harbaugh came over to me and basically told me ‘You can do it. You are good enough at this level to make plays,’” Juszczyk remembered. “That was really reassuring.”

Juszczyk also enjoyed a special moment before the game.

Standing in the locker room, the rookie took a moment to look at his jersey. Throughout high school and college, he had never had his name on the back of his uniform. But here, above a big 4 and 0, were eight letters, all capitalized:


—Staff writer Jacob D. H. Feldman can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @Jacobfeldman4.

