
Singles Roundup

New music from Eric Clapton, One Direction, and Rick Ross

“Gotta Get Over”

Eric Clapton, "Old Sock"

In the 1960s, Eric Clapton’s bluesy licks and funky jams elicited cries of  “Clapton is God” from his rabid fans. On his new single  “Gotta Get Over,” Clapton revisits these core elements to create a track strikingly reminiscent of his earlier works. The song immediately establishes an upbeat, blues tempo, and the musical fire never dies. Clapton also fashions an impressive mid-piece guitar solo, and the live-performance feel that the song elicits with gospel singers and randomly interjected laughter, harkens back to classics of the past. But it is really the jazzed-up, Fender-filled finale in the original Claptonian fashion that makes this single one of his best recent works. The god is back, and he’s wearing his old socks.

"One Way or Another (Teenage Kicks)"

One Direction


Whereas fangirls will swoon over One Direction’s rendition of Blondie’s classic song, more mature—and less obsessed—listeners may be disappointed. For one, the lyrics, which worked well in the hands of charming Blondie frontwoman Debbie Harry, seem utterly disturbing for a boy band. “And if your lights are all out / I’ll follow your bus downtown / See who’s hanging out,” the group sings at one point. Essentially an instruction manual for the art of stalking, the lyrics distract from the otherwise decent vocal performances. Furthermore, the interpolation of the mash-up between Blondie’s track and “Teenage Kicks,” by The Undertones, comes across as unoriginal. Although the band does deliver a catchy “na-na-na” sequence midway through the song, there is nothing new or exciting about One Direction’s interpretation.

"Box Chevy"

Rick Ross, "Mastermind"

Attempting to listen to Rick Ross’s newest track is, simply put, painful. In this lead single off his upcoming album “Mastermind,” Ross comes across as anything but. For one, the senseless profanity is distracting. A verse is not complete without multiple mentions of “nigga,” “fuckin,’” or “bitch.” And, of course, there is no shortage of “pussy,” which, long his favorite noun, has become Ross’s go-to adjective as well. Ross also unsuccessfully experiments with a new rhyming scheme, complete with words such as “Okechobee,” “Bartow,” and “okey dokey.” Ross’s gangster image will definitely take a hit with this one. But what really makes this single disappointing is the lack of a clear direction—boasting about buying “the blue Lexus,” and blowing up “pussy niggas,” Ross overlooks clarity and originality for clichés and tasteless word choices.


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