
Barney Frank

At one point serving as chair of the House Financial Services Committee, Frank has attributed much of his understanding of economics to his education at Harvard.

“What changed me at Harvard was not the political science courses I took but the economics courses,” Frank said. “I learned that liberalism and the free market were entirely compatible.”


Frank’s lifelong advocacy for gay rights has helped shape a world in which he prepares to wed his longtime partner, James “Jim” Ready, in July.

For a long time, Frank’s political success came at the cost of his personal life.


“He really didn’t have a home life,” Ready said. “He just had a work life.”

Yet despite his hectic schedule, family members said that Frank was always a loving and supportive presence. In recent years, they noted that his stress level has gone down and the transformation has been significant.

“He’s a different person now,” Ready said. “He’s happier, he smiles.”

His selection as one of this year’s Class Day speakers, Ready added, brought him joy.

Ready also affectionately noted his partner’s clumsiness.

“Phones or doors or windows—you know how people just touch things and break them? He’s really good at that,” Ready said.

“I’m good at fixing things,” he added.

Madeleine L. Frank ’13, Frank’s niece, said that she loves her uncle’s sense of humor.

“He’s great with everyone,” Madeleine said. “He has a sense of humor that is appropriate for any setting.”

She also said that she admires “the effort that he puts into really spending time with family.”


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