
Men's Crew Tops Ivy League Foes

“We have improved a lot since our last race against Delaware,” said sophomore Zachary Connerton, seven seat of the second varsity eight. “We have a lot of work to do in terms of finding the sort of power it takes to stay with Cornell.”

The Big Red pulled ahead quickly, leaving Harvard down two seats off the start.  The Crimson was left to duel it out with Penn for second place.

“We were pretty even with Penn coming off the 500,” Connerton said. “Then we pushed ahead of Penn and held about a boat length and then some open water on them all the way through to the finish.”

The races this weekend brought the Harvard first varsity and freshmen boats to a 3-0 record on the dual season.

“Every win is just as exciting,” said sophomore Michael Wales, bow seat of the first varsity eight. “We just want to make sure that we operate and get the job done.  It’s great to beat an Ivy League opponent, and it’s a great extension to keep the train rolling from Delaware.”


—Staff writer Alexa N. Gellman can be reached at


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