
Everson Plays Crucial Role on Men's Hockey Team

“He helps me with just about everything,” Max said. “[He is] basically a teacher. My Dad got us both into hockey at first, but growing up and seeing his successes really got me drawn into it.”

Not to seem too soft, Marshall—who is 30 pounds heavier and an inch taller than Max—is sure to remind his brother that he’s still the same guy who would beat him on the neighborhood rink.

“I’ll play a little dirtier on him, whatever I have to do to get by him,” Marshall said. “He’ll do the same to try and stop me. Rules kind of go out the window when it’s me versus him.”

With five conference games left, Everson and the Crimson will try to extend a six-game unbeaten streak in ECAC play that dates back to January 20. As Marshall continues to perform at such a high level, questions about his professional prospects will begin to pop up.

“Oh absolutely [I’d like to pursue a career in hockey],” Marshall said. “It’s definitely what I’m working towards. After the draft is over, if you’re drafted—great—if you’re not, you just got to move on and focus on having a good four years in college.”




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