
Ed School Offers Gen Ed Course

Although the Ed School offers the Undergraduate Teacher Education Program, which allows College students to simultaneously obtain a teaching degree and a bachelor’s degree from Harvard, Merseth said there is limited awareness of the program at the College.

“I can run into ten undergraduates, and six of them don’t even know that there’s an undergraduate teacher education program,” said Merseth. “It hasn’t been visible.”

Although Merseth said she would like to see education courses have a greater presence on campus, she added that she would not support a concentration in education studies because she thinks that undergraduate preprofessional studies “can get very fluffy.”

Instead, she said she encourages students to explore their academic interests in college, and those passionate about education should pursue the subject in graduate school.

Even in its inaugural year, the course has already proved to be a popular offering. Almost 90 undergraduates expressed interest in the class, forcing Merseth to hold a lottery in order to bring enrollment down to 47 students.


According to data provided by the teaching staff, at least 19 different concentrations—ranging from literature to applied mathematics—are represented in the course.

“It’s a totally different way of thinking about teaching. It’s much more creative,” said Ashtynn B. Baltimore ’13, who added that the class is the best course she has taken at Harvard.

According to some enrollees, the course is also increasing awareness of education-related opportunities at Harvard.

Jyoti Jasrasaria ’12, who is studying in the Undergraduate Teacher Education Program, said she has given information about the program to half a dozen fellow students in the class.

Merseth said she is passionate about helping her students become education advocates, no matter what career they choose to pursue.

“I’m on a personal crusade” to build up interest in education reform, Merseth said. “I’m desperate about it, I’m frantic about it.”

—Staff writer Michelle M. Hu can be reached at

—Staff writer Rebecca D. Robbins can be reached at

