
Westboro Baptist Church Plans to Protest Hillel

Margolin acknowledged the possibility of legal action and said she plans to brief all counter-protesters instructing them not to engage the Westboro Baptist Church directly.

Marco Chan ’11, co-chair of the Harvard College Queer Students and Allies, participated in two previous counter-protests to the Westboro Baptist Church that occurred in Cambridge last year.

Last May, he collaborated with other student groups, including the Harvard Democrats, to organize a Phelps-a-thon fundraiser which raised money for Cambridge Cares About AIDS, which has since merged with the Aids Action Committee.

Chan said that the protest on Friday event would show the campus’ united opposition to the message of Westboro Church.

“As long as they’re doing this, there is a need for plenty more people to show them that their hate is unacceptable,” Chan said.


“It’s not so much for the Westboro Baptist Church, as for us to come together as a community,” he added.

