Music (fresh)Man

We all know the names of the rich and famous Harvard grads of years past, but lesser known are the ...

We all know the names of the rich and famous Harvard grads of years past, but lesser known are the blossoming talents among us. Jonathan A. Park ’13 is the lead singer and guitarist for the local, up-and-coming band The Naked Chips.

Founded in 2007, the funk/reggae/rock group has quickly evolved from garage band status, landing shows in various well-established Boston venues, including Kings, the All Asia Café, and the Midway Café. The band’s most recent success was the release of its first album, “All the Good,” on iTunes this past September.

“The most fun I’ve had in my life is when I’m playing shows,” said Park, smiling. “You get an adrenaline rush that I don’t really get from anything else. I just love the experience.”

This year, though, with members of The Naked Chips scattered throughout the country’s college towns, it’s been a challenge for the band to maintain its momentum.

“We’re pretty much on a break I would say,” commented the band’s bassist, Jake L. Mazur-Warren, who started at Skidmore this fall.

The band does hope to stick together, using school breaks and summer vacation to practice and perform.

“I think they have the potential to stick together,” said Park’s mother and self-proclaimed band groupie, Evie Weinstein-Park, “In addition to being great musicians together, they’ve become great friends together.”

But in the meantime, Park is looking for other kids to jam with here at Harvard.

“As long as I’m not with The Naked Chips,” said Park, “I’m definitely looking for other people to play with.”