
KSG Official’s Talk Motivates Young Girls

She ended by attempting to relate her entire argument directly to her young audience.

“The government needs people like you,” she said. “Guess what—every single one of you could be President of the United States someday.”

To emphasize her point, Budson introduced and passed around pictures of some women in today’s government, including Condoleeza Rice, Benazir Bhutto, and Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao.

After a brief question and answer period, Budson was presented with a large card by two blushing girls, and an honorary Strong Women Strong Girls membership.

Many of the young attendees said afterward that they appreciated the speech.


“I thought it was good. It taught me a lot,” said Ryisha Grant, 9.

“I’m tired of all the men being Presidents. I think women would tell us the truth,” said Rayneka Tavares, 11.
