

List of 186 Faculty Signatories

16. John Y. Campbell, Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics (FAS)

17. Federico Capasso, Robert L. Wallace Professor of Applied Physics (FAS)

18. Daniel Carpenter, Professor of Government (FAS)

19. Nicholas A. Christakis, Professor of Medical Sociology (HMS)

20. Jon C. Clardy, Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (HMS)


21. William Clark, Harvey Brooks Professor of International Science, Public Policy and Human Development, Environment and Natural Resources Program (KSG)

22. Paul D. Cleary, Professor of Health Care Policy (HMS)

23. John H. Coatsworth, Monroe Gutman Professor of Latin American Affairs (FAS)

24. Shaye J.D. Cohen, Littauer Professor of Hebrew Language and Literature (FAS)

25. John R. David, Richard Pearson Strong Professor of Tropical Public Health, Emeritus (SPH)

26. Rafael M. Di Tella, Professor of Business Administration (HBS)

27. John E. Dowling ’57, Gordon and Llura Gund Professor of Neurosciences (FAS)

28. Amy C. Edmondson ’81, Professor of Business Administration (HBS)

29. David A. Edwards, Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Biomedical Engineering (FAS)

30. Einer R. Elhauge ’83, Professor of Law (HLS)
