Students interviewed on Monday afternoon searched for superlatives to describe the new student center.
“I think the new Hark is fabulous,” said third-year Law School student Julie L. Black. “I think it’s a place where you actually want to sit with friends and talk or you want to do work because it’s so much more enjoyable to be here.”
Matt D. Cooper, a second-year student who was reading on the new eastern patio, said The Hark is “a lot more conducive to both studying and socializing.”
Cooper said students only had three rooms in the library and one small lounge in which to meet last year. Now, he said, there are more spaces for group study.
During the summer of 2003, the Law School created a small patio outside of the entrance to The Hark. This summer, another patio on the eastern side of the building was constructed and the surrounding area was landscaped.
Food services manager Jim C. Gorzinski said there have been long lines during peak hours at The Hark’s snack counter and cafeteria since the beginning of the year.
With all of the physical changes to The Hark, Black said she thought she even noticed a difference in the cafeteria cuisine.
“I think the food is the same,” Black said, “but the place is so much nicer that it makes the food taste better.”
—Staff writer Andrew C. Esensten can be reached at