Down on the floor, Jay Leno’s high-pitched, high-energy perennial intern Ross chatted with Commerce Secretary and Bush bosom buddy Don Evans.
Evans was cordial to his questioner, but after the late night gadfly scurried off, several convention staffers took note of his falsetto tone, effete gestures and flower-printed shirt. So this was the culture clash they’d been hearing about.
—Michael M. Grynbaum
Dan Glickman was spotted in a Madison Square Garden hallway Monday night, quietly exiting the convention arena just hours before his tenure as director of the Institute of Politics ended.
What was Bill Clinton’s former secretary of agriculture doing at a Grand Old Party?
“The new job requires a high degree of bipartisanship,” Glickman said happily, referring to his new position as president of the Motion Picture Association of America.
“Jack Valenti had a great, positive relationship with everybody in Congress, because the issues affecting the motion picture industry are bipartisan,” Glickman said.
He added: “You would be a fool to have this job and operate in a partisan fashion.”
No word yet on whether pirated videos of the convention will be available online.
—Michael M. Grynbaum and Joseph M. Tartakoff
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