
Internet Boosts Social Scene

Students find friends on new sites such as

But the website has also been under fire recently with allegations from three seniors that Zuckerberg stole the ideas for while he was working on a similar venture,

But Zuckerberg, who has denied the accusations, is no stranger to campus controversy.

Prior to his facebook endeavors, Zuckerberg had to face the Ad Board after attempting to quantify hotness on a different website,

The administration quickly forced Zuckerberg to shut it down, as the site illegally used online facebook photos from nine Houses, placing two photos next to each other at a time and asking users to choose the better-looking person.



If provides the friends, provides the parties.

Last summer, Zachary A. Corker ’04, Paul H. Hersh ’04 and Darren S. Morris ’05 designed a website to help students plan their weekends and publicize their social events.

“One of the motivations for is that there is no campus center,” Hersh said. “There is no universal central place, so we had to go external to the physical campus, to make it accessible to everyone, and that is why we chose the Internet.”

Corker said that the site receives 600 unique visits per week and over 1,000 on the weekends.

“Our goal has been to use people’s addiction to the internet to get them to go out with their friends,” Corker said.

And Harvard’s version of an online dating service appeared earlier this year in the form of an anonymously run website called, which posts the names of the five most requested hook-ups on campus.

On the website, students enter their top 10 crushes, who then receive anonymous e-mails encouraging them to visit the site and enter their own top 10.

If two crushes request each other, both are sent an e-mail confirming the match.

Those who were targeted for hook-up requests said they were “confused” about exactly what their new title meant.

Gigi M. Garmendia ’06 said she discovered last February that she was listed on the top five most-requested hookups.
