
Class of 2004 Ties the Knot

Baca says that the wedding plans have come together quickly.

“Planning a wedding is as intense as you want to make it,” she says. “We wanted to have most things taken care of before our senior spring so we could enjoy our time left and have the wedding to look forward to.”

Cheryl L. Mainland ’04 and Adam L. Hall

June 7, 2004

This week, visitors from Thailand, Mongolia, Kosovo, and Kyrgyzstan descended on Harvard. Their reasons for celebration however, were not just Commencement exercises, but the wedding of Cheryl L. Mainland ’04 and Adam L. Hall, a member of the Harvard Business School’s (HBS) graduating class.



The couple met in the late fall of 2002 at a panel on international business at HBS where Hall was speaking. Mainland asked him out for coffee and this Monday, the couple said “I do” at an intimate outdoor garden ceremony near Boston.

Their international bond goes beyond the panel where they met, they were both raised all over the globe—he primarily in Australia and she primarily in Asia. For their next step, the couple looked at complementing job offers in Shanghai and South Africa before deciding to live in Singapore, where she will work for Cambridge Associates and he will work in strategy for Bunge, an agribusiness firm.

Their international travels will not wait until Singapore, as their honeymoon itinerary reads like chapters from Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days.

The couple will spend a week in India in Dubai, followed by a week-long safari in Tanzania, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, and capping off their month-long sojourn with sailing off the coast of Zanzibar. As for the wedding proposal, Hall remained close to home and proposed to Mainland on the Weeks footbridge.

Melissa M. Borja ’04 and Gregory G. Westin ’04-’05

Summer 2005

While singing a solo for the song “You’d Be Surprised” with the Radcliffe Pitches over Harvard-Yale Weekend this year, Melissa Borja ’04 was herself surprised—by a marriage proposal from Greg Westin ’04-’05. The weekend of The Game has always held special significance for the couple: they met at their first Game their freshman year and began dating shortly after.

“We want to return to The Game each year because it holds significant meaning to us, because of our relationship, and what it meant to be here at Harvard for us,” says Borja.

This fall, Borja will begin a History Ph.D. program at the University of Chicago and Westin will finish the semester he has left of his undergraduate career. They will wed in June 2005 abroad and hold a reception in her hometown in Michigan.

They will then enter the Peace Corps as a married couple the following fall.
