
College Entrance Board Examinations

For the Harvard advanced algebra examination (1 point), the following Board examination in mathematics--(b) advanced algebra.

For the Harvard logarithms and trigonometry examination (1 point), the following Board examination in mathematics--(e) trigonometry.

For the Harvard solid geometry examination (1 point), the following Board examination in mathematics--(d) solid geometry.

When two or more papers of the Board are substituted for one Harvard paper as in elementary Greek, no credit will be given unless the candidate submits to the Harvard examiners all of the papers constituting the substitute.

As previously stated this new decision will make it possible for a candidate for admission to Harvard College to pass the required number of points by taking only the College Entrance Examination Board examinations, with the exception that examinations in other subjects must be submitted for the Harvard examinations in advanced Latin and in chemistry, for which there is no equivalent in the Board examinations.


Preliminary certificates and certificates of admission will be issued in accordance with the rules governing the issue of the certificates which are given on the results of the regular Harvard examinations
