Foster also focused on the role that men play in parenting and childcare. She stressed the importance of male role models in young children’s lives, insisting that men need to be equally involved in parenthood and must contribute more than just “sperm and a checkbook.”
Max A. Pakaluk ’05, one of the many men in attendance, said he was impressed with Foster’s speech.
“I had never heard a pro-life feminist speak. It was a really cool experience,” Pakaluk said.
Laura E. Openshaw ’05, vice president of Harvard Right to Life (HRL), applauded Foster for her approach to divisive issues.
“Ms. Foster said a lot of things that have long needed to be said. She effectively identified the gap between two extremist positions, and recognized that the rights and well-being of all parties need to be considered,” Openshaw said.
As she concluded her remarks, Foster urged everyone in the audience to be active in supporting equal opportunities, greater recognition of women’s needs and the celebration of all life, regardless of its “shape, size, race, religion, age, location or background.”
“Our mission is to give women all that they deserve,” Foster said. “It is not enough to say no to abortion. We must also say yes to life.”
HRL, the Harvard Republican Club and the Institute of Politics sponsored the event.