
Murphy Brothers To Square Off for First Time Tonight

“We are pretty close,” Ben said. “We are a lot closer now that we have grown up. We know each other’s style pretty well, growing up playing on the same teams and even playing on the same lines a lot. We know each other’s style of game pretty well.”

Whether that helps either side more than the other is as yet unclear. But that’s not the most important question of the evening.

Far more noteworthy are the colors that Fran and Ellen Murphy will be sporting in the Pepsi Arena stands come the opening faceoff.

Dan grins and thinks for a moment before shrugging the question off. Hey, they’re both their parents. They couldn’t possibly support one or the other. Or could they?

If you listen to Ben they could.


What colors will his parents be wearing?

“White.” The Black Bears’ home colors.

But come the conclusion of tonight’s game, that’ll be just another idle pre-game thought, not worth another second of consideration.

Far more important will be the thoughts on the minds of both Harvard’s and Maine’s skaters. And this time, you can bet not one will be thinking about anything else.

