
Battle the Bulge, Incidentally

At the start of a new semester, there’s only one big test to worry about—the much-feared “pinch test.” Weeks in Lamont eating Fritos and the obligatory post-exams drinking binge make fingering that roll of flab around the middle a depressing prospect come February.  For those of you hoping to find your six-pack in time for spring break in Cancun without actually going to any of those kick-boxing classes at the MAC (yes, they do exist!), here is FM’s handy Harvard Daily Life Calorie Counter:

(All calorie counts given for body weights 130lbs/200lbs)


Science Center to the Quad:  62/96 calories

Annenberg to Pennypacker: 30/45


Eliot House to Lamont Library: 33/51


Thayer to Expos Office: 34/52

Lowell to Murr Center: 65/100

Science Center to shuttle stop at Johnston Gate: 20/30


100 pounds of luggage from Logan airport: 146/224

15 books from Widener to Canaday: 52/80

Two weeks worth of laundry: 36/56

