
Kenan Chews the 'Fat'

Thompson is bringing that attitude with him to his newest work on “SNL,” which he speaks of as one of the most stressful, but rewarding, experiences of his life. Although he believes working on “All That” made it easier to understand the technical aspects of the show, such as camera angles, Thompson now has the added stress of writing skits and pitching ideas. However, the mystique surrounding “SNL” and the subsequent career opportunities it brings seem well-worth the sleep lost to late nights writing material.

“So just the ‘SNL’ stamp alone is maybe like a Harvard stamp,” likens Thompson.

Asked why he chose improvisational comedy over standup, Thompson explains that “I never did standup before. It just looked like it was really hard, looked like there was like up days and down days—and I’m too emotionally unstable for that. I need to always be funny and always be loved.”

While Fat Albert follows in the tradition of Cosby’s wholesome comedy and “SNL” is more raucous, Thompson is emphatic that, “Comedy is here to bring joy to the world, whether you want to hear the curse words or not.”

But on the subject of his philosophy of comedy—whether to be like Cosby who works “in the system” or shocking like Dave Chappelle—Thompson desires a happy medium. “If I could be one of those who could like bridge the gap,” he says, “between like a Dave Chappelle and a Bill Cosby, then that would be where it is.”

