
Director Brad Bird Soars Over Limits of Animation

‘Incredibles’ Writer Shares Love of Film

In truth, the film actually evolved from Bird’s own family life. When he had his first child and had to balance his work and home life, he recalls, “I was struggling to raise my family and balance that with the unusual hours my work demanded, I wanted to be a father and still continue my career but found it very difficult.”

Once Bird realized his troubles with duel identity resembled the problems of superheroes, the story for The Incredibles flowed easily. In honor of the projects’ personal genesis, the Incredibles’ baby is named after what he and his wife used to call their own baby.

Perhaps the best aspect of The Incredibles is the clear love for cinema that everyone working on the film, Bird included, brings to the project. This joy for filmmaking is practically contagious; even though the narrative occasionally falters, it is always an enjoyable cinematic experience.

And ultimately that is Bird’s goal. He says it best as the interview draws to a close: assuming the voice of the Incredibles’ suit designer Edna Mole, he belts out in his most nasal pseudo-Euro accent, “I hope you enjoy the movie, dahling.”


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