He has previously taught fourth grade in Houston.
Reddick said he has used most of his winnings from past stints to repay student loans and purchase a new car with cash.
And Reddick’s friends said his current behavior and spending patterns may indicate a “Millionaire” victory.
Carter, who has known Reddick for four years, noted one major difference.
“He’s been talking about buying a house,” she said.
Another colleague said his demeanor has changed.
“There is definitely a qualitative difference in how relaxed he is,” said Carolyn M. Howard, a GSE student who has known Reddick for three years. “I figured he did really well since he was in the hot seat for so long.”
But Eliot Professor of Education Emeritus Charles V. Willie said he hasn’t noticed a change in Reddick’s conduct.
“I have not ever seen any difference in his actions,” he said. “What you see is what you get.”
Reddick said he is used to all of the speculation.
“Almost everyone I talk to wants to know whether I won,” he said. “Not even my parents know.”
Reddick plans to watch the show in the GSE’s Gutman Library today and tomorrow.
Despite Reddick’s refusal to talk about the outcome, Howard said she can read between the lines. Reddick recently bought a new suit and cut off his dreadlocks, she said.
“He looks like a million bucks,” she joked.