“I feel a closer connection to him because of [his religion], but it’s not the reason I’m supporting him,” she says. “I would support someone of a different religion with Joe’s positions and thoughtfulness.”
Lieberman frequently mentions God in his speeches and sometimes seems to be running on a platform of morality.
Rubins doesn’t have a problem with Lieberman’s religious references.
“When he talks about God it’s the same way the dollar bills do, and I admire that,” she says.
She understands Lieberman’s desire to talk about his faith, but she doesn’t think it wins votes.
“If I was writing [Lieberman’s] speeches I probably wouldn’t mention God that much,” she says. “I think America is weary of the God talk, and though I know where it’s coming from, it seems conservative.”
Rubins observes the Sabbath, attending synagogue in Manchester for Friday night services, where she also talks with “potential voters.”
Rubins says she will support Lieberman—“fighting the good fight”—as long as he is in the race, but she concedes she would ultimately work for the Democratic candidate, no matter who wins the nomination.
“I’d probably switch to another campaign, though I can’t imagine working for another candidate right now, especially since I do research so I know what their positions are,” she says.
She wants to work in Washington again this summer but does not yet have concrete plans. One thing is for certain, she says: she will be working on her thesis at the Library of Congress.
“I want to write a manifesto for American society,” she says, bobbing her head seriously. “Our country needs a vision, a mission.”
What is her vision? “Well, foreign aid…and bringing the world’s standard of living up and…space exploration! Like, what’s happening with that? There’s a future for the entire human race that we need to think about. There’s more to America than everyone owning their own SUV in the suburbs and we need to find out what that is.”
Career-wise, Rubins’ long-term plans are to run for political office. She admires John F. Kennedy and says that Bill Clinton was a “cunning politician” whom she would like to emulate.
“People say he has this amazing ability to look into your eyes and make you feel like the only person in the room as he shakes your hand,” she says. “I aspire to that.”
She stopped short of saying she wanted to be president, but she may have already mastered the necessary political lingo. “I want to get to the level where I feel I’ll be doing the most for the people I serve.”
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