
Climbing Alone

In his first year as dean, Kirby proves a consulter, but not a consensus-builder

The Scholar-Dean

Trained as a Chinese historian, Kirby has adopted a scholarly approach to his new job—informing all his decisions with careful and deliberative research and consultation.

With much to learn about the intricacies of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), Kirby’s inquisitiveness has served him well during his first year in office, colleagues say.

“He has developed his own active tutorial approach to the deanship,” says Allan M. Brandt, chair of the history of science department.

Kirby’s colleagues describe his style as “experiment oriented,” reaching decisions only after broad consultation on the key intellectual issues.


“Kirby keeps uncovering new things and changing his views,” says Lee Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology Thomas P. Maniatis. “He is very engaged and frequently meets with department chairs and other members of the department.”

Kirby has identified FAS’s need to expand in the life sciences, and the Chinese historian has stepped right up to the challenge.

“Kirby comes in with little scientific knowledge, relatively speaking,” Maniatis says. “He has had to learn a lot in a short period of time.”

Colleagues say Kirby relishes brushing up on the latest intellectual issues across all fields. Responsible for approving all junior faculty appointments and advising the president on all tenure cases, Kirby says the capacity to help dictate the direction of a discipline through new appointments “is a thrill in itself.”

“I have learned frightfully more than I expected,” Kirby says. “It is very exciting and interesting to follow new trends and ideas.”

Colleagues say they find this style refreshing and appreciate the accessibility to the dean they are afforded.

“In conversations, I can get inside his head in an instant, and that is good,” says Professor of the History of Science Everett I. Mendelsohn.

The model of the scholar-manager suits the leader of the Harvard Faculty well, Brandt adds.

“It is familiar to us—it is the way we work,” he says.

“Kirby is a Faculty member who became dean. He is not an administrator,” Mendelsohn says. “He has strengthened his self image as a Faculty dean.”
