
An Arts Wish List

Students, administrators and faculty respond to The Crimson’s request for gripes, wishes, suggestions and hopes for the Harvard arts scene of tomorrow

1. Space.

2. The pianos in the House Junior Common Rooms are there for student use, and no student should be barred from using them.

3. More theater space in which people don’t eat or check out books during the day.

4. You should be able to do a film thesis without taking a billion years of film first.


5. More commitment to the art of review-writing.

6. Remove Reiman from the chopping block, make studio art classes more accessible to non-VES-concentrators (fewer requirements, shorter hours), find a way to get the rest of the Harvard community to understand why it takes so many hours to create a production and the work that goes into it.

7. More training for actors of all experience levels.

8. More people involved with the technical side of things.

9. A completely renovated Hasty Pudding Theater, according to the Committee’s design.

11. Automatic paper extensions for anyone involved in a “tech week.”

12. More equal exchange between Harvard and Boston art’s colleges. Emerson, New England Conservatory, and Boston Conservatory all have students that take advantage of Harvard’s resources. They audition for our shows, get the Harvard credit on their resumes, and then leave without giving back to the theater community or becoming integrated into it. There should be some exchange; maybe Harvard students could audition for shows at these respective colleges, or dance classes could be open enrollment. There should be some reciprocity offered.

13. Three words: Dramatic Studies Concentration

14. More minority actors in theater.

15. First-years’ music practice rooms that are adequately sound-proofed for rock bands.
