
Pre-Frosh Get Taste of Harvard

“I hope this is good ice cream that I’m going to get; I’ve waited outside here for eternity,” said Robby McIntosh from Tewksbury, LA.

Most said that they felt that the weekend helped them to decide how they will respond to the thick envelopes that arrived in their mailboxes earlier this month.

Californian Bobb Yribarren said Harvard saw something in him that schools in his home state didn’t.

“I was rejected by my city college and Stanford, but now I have Harvard,” he said.

One student, who did not want to reveal her name in order to “keep a good name with the College” said that she was admitted into all the seven Ivies and MIT, and that Harvard failed to meet her standards.



“It was the total opposite of what I thought it would be,” she said. “Mather Lather sucked; the weather sucked; the food sucked…. God everything here sucks,” she said, drawing boos from fellow pre-frosh.

She said she has made up her mind to attend Yale University.
