
Radcliffe Heavies Reign Supreme

And it all began with the coaches and rowers setting their goals and training hard throughout March to prepare themselves for the trials would challenge their character and skill.

“The defining moment came in early March when the river was still frozen and we were still jammed into the erg room, hot and tired, and I saw the team make a decision to go,” said coach O’Leary.

“Their split times on the ergs came down, they pushed each other, they showed a level of toughness and determination that came not from me as a coach, but from their hearts. It happened in one workout and there was no looking back after that.”

The New England winter draws near once more and the Radcliffe heavyweight crew once again begins to look forward to he spring season and how to develop this year’s squad into champions.

“This is a new year, and the team has different strengths and weaknesses, but we are not just going to pat ourselves on the back and say ‘wow, we were a fast team last year,” said McLoon. “We are going to continue to work to be as fast as possible from every seat in every boat. We are going to work hard, and Radcliffe boats are still going to be fast.”


Keeping this goal in mind and carrying over last season’s determination, no one will be surpsied with a repear performance from the Black and White this year.

