
Council Member Questions Fund Use

In other legislation, the council followed up on a proposal to extend the tradition of senior reunions in Annenberg Hall, where the class gathers for champagne in the spring, to sophomores and juniors as well.

Last night the council approved the text of a letter it plans to send to Dean of Freshmen Elizabeth Studley Nathans, who would have to approve use of the first-year dining hall for the events.

“It just allows me to say that I have the voice of the council behind this idea,” said James C. Coleman ’03, who sponsored the bill.

The council also passed by universal acclimation a bill of “Official Congratulations and Appreciation” for Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles, who will step down July 1.

In an effort to create an expanded version of Fallfest—to be called Fall Feast— the council allocated $10,000 for the event, most of which will go to student groups to provide food.


“I’d like to be able to fund every student group that applies,” said Jessica R. Stannard-Friel ’04, who co-sponsored the bill.

In an annual tradition, the council honored two of its seniors for their devotion to student government—James R. Griffin ’02 and Brian R. Smith ’02.

—Staff writer Claire A. Pasternack can be reached at
