
M., W. Track Take Second in Cold Outdoor Meets

Other first place finishers in the track events included senior Shawn Parker in the 110-meter hurdles and sophomore Alasdair McLean-Foreman in the 800. Seniors Richard Bravin and Nnamdi Okike finished at the heels of Parker and McLean-Foreman, respectively.

Co-captain John Cinelli registered a personal best to win the 3000-meter steeplechase. Even after cutting seven seconds off of his previous personal best, Cinelli believes that his increased mileage training will allow him to make further improvements as the season progresses.

“As a whole, we must look to stay strong in the track events and focus on improving our performances in the field, which was our Achilles’ heel at the Indoor [Heptagonal Championships].”

With three first-place and one second-place finish in the field, the events that had room for improvement are gaining ground.

Senior Aaron Snead cleared 4.20 meters in the pole vault while junior Taylor Buckley cleared 1.90 meters—both heights were good enough for a first place finish.


But the stand-out performance in the field was senior thrower David Grimm. Grimm finished fourth in the discus with a personal best of 45.14 meters. Tallying five more points for his team, Grimm won the shot put on his last throw of 15.81 meters—another personal best.

“Hopefully this is just the start of a good season,” Grimm said. “I am looking forward to improving as both the weather and my technique get better.”

Harvard Women

While the men were more dominant overall on the track, the women made their presence known in the field.

“Overall I think the throwers were rather impressive,” said co-captain Nicky Grant. “Everyone put in top performances today as demonstrated by the personal bests that were reached.”

Two of these personal bests were registered by the top two finishers in the hammer, Grant and sophomore Johanna Doyle. Grant threw for 55.80 meters while Doyle threw for 55.16 meters.

“It’s the first time we’ve had two throwers finish over 55 meters in a single competition,” Haggerty said.

Grant placed first in the shot put as well, throwing 13.69 meters, while also placing fourth in the discus.

“After a good but slightly disappointing indoor season, things are definitely looking up,” Grant said.

The remainder of the season looks promising for other throwers as well.
