
Assassins’ Stalk Quincy Residents

Still carrying the shoulder bag, Cantwell says he sought a place to hide the guns so they would not be stolen.

Luckily, Cantwell says, the Leverett House Master let them hide the guns under a chair.

At around 12:30 a.m., Gartland briefly left the safety of the dance—and unexpectedly encountered a member of the Untouchables.

“He started to follow me, step by step, and even when I told him I wasn’t going home, he kept following me,” Gartland says. “When I went back into the ’80s Dance, he tried to follow me inside, but they wouldn’t let him in because he wouldn’t pay.”

Less than an hour later, as the crowd from the ’80s Dance began to gather outside of Leverett House, the members of MI6 saw one their roommates.


“I was going across the street to say ‘hi’ to my roommate and see how his night went when I saw a member of the Untouchables in the crowd, trying to hide, with a gun in one hand and another one under his jacket” Cantwell says.

As Cantwell walked toward his roommate, he says he suddenly felt a Nerf gun on his back. The Untouchables member stood on the street, hoping Cantwell would step onto the sidewalk, where the Assassins rules allowed him to be shot.

Moving away from the sidewalk and toward his friends, Cantwell scanned the crowd, and quickly saw the three other members of the Untouchables.

“When we saw the other members of the Untouchables, we knew that we couldn’t go back to Quincy, so we decided to stay out longer and go to some final clubs” Cantwell says.

As the group started to walk down Plympton Street, the members of the Untouchables followed them. But once the group reached the end of the street, Cantwell says, the Untouchables stopped and glared at them, since they were too far away from Quincy House to allow a kill.

At 3 a.m., the members of MI6 said they were finally able to return to Quincy without having to worry about members of the Untouchables waiting for them or stalking them.

The coast was finally clear.

“When we got back to Quincy, there was no one waiting for us. I guess it was pass the Untouchables bedtime,” Cantwell jokes.
