Pomey’s lawyer said yesterday that she has already repaid the $23,000. Gomes’ lawyer could not be reached for comment.
Following the Money
Although extensive in its scope, the case against Gomes and Pomey is simple. Police were easily able to track the credits through the credit card companies and banks, and since in many cases the same credit cards were used to purchase the goods, linking the purchases to Pomey and Gomes was easy.
On Sept. 24 last year, after the investigation had uncovered bank records and missing reports from the Theatricals’ credit card machine and the evidence was building against Pomey and Gomes, they both made statements explaining their actions to HUPD.
The money appears to have gone to fund drug purchases, pay off drug dealers, and supporting a “lavish lifestyle,” the court records allege.
Gomes told police that his drug habit had begun his first year at Harvard with ecstasy and had grown to include crystal methamphetamine, court papers say.
The explanation Pomey gave was that Gomes had used the Theatricals’ money to pay drug dealers, as well as to purchase electronics.
But according to her lawyer Michael DeMarco, Pomey never had a “drug dependency problem” of her own.
Using information gained from the interviews, HUPD recovered some drug paraphenalia from Gomes’ room. Later, HUPD obtained a special nighttime search warrant, backed a police van up to the Winthrop House gate and confiscated numerous items from Gomes’ room including a flat-screen television, 2 CD players, a DVD player D.J. equipment and 91 DVD movies.
Suzanne used her share of the money for shopping trips, spa visits and a $500 cell phone, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
Gomes also supposedly sponsored a giant birthday party for Pomey last February at T.G.I.Friday’s, complete with an open bar tab of several thousand dollars.
Spreading the Wealth?
Friends and acquiantances of Pomey had noticed her expensive tastes.
On Oct. 5, 2000, Pomey, then-president of the Harvard chapter of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, rented out the exclusive Locke-Ober restaurant for a joint mixer event between Theta and the Delphic final club, according to Theta members.
“She told members that she was putting something nice together for the sorority,” Theta spokesperson Thayer S. Christoduolo ’04 said.
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