
Legendary Globe Publisher Dead at 93

The Globe also grew in prestige after Taylor assumed control, with 11 Pulitzer Prizes to its name.

In October 1973, he approved an editorial calling for President Richard Nixon’s resignation for office, making the Globe the first major newspaper to do so. This editorial anticipated the event almost a year in advance.

The Globe was also the second newspaper in the country to advocate for withdrawal from the Vietnam War.

Taylor encouraged an atmosphere of autonomy for reporters and editors. Though Taylor had friends in high places, from Harvard to the State House to City Hall, he was careful to keep his personal interests out of the newsroom.

“He was very much part of the establishment,” Storin said. “But he insisted that the department be protected from the influences where he might have friends.”


Taylor’s professional success was equalled by personal charm.

“He struck a very patrician figure and yet he was beloved by the employees in all departments,” Storin said. “I think that he knew the name of every employee at the Globe.”

Taylor was also a devoted outdoorsman and sailor. He directed Outward Bound’s Hurricane Island School and was involved in the local Boy Scouts for many years.

Taylor is survived by his wife Ann, four children, sixteen grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Services for Taylor will be held Monday at 11 a.m. in Harvard’s Memorial Church.
