
Student Theft Runs Deep

Lee and Sword were both convicted and Lee spent a year in prison.

According to Emily R. Murphy ’02, last year’s EWC treasurer, it would be nearly impossible for such a theft to go undetected now. An oversight committee regularly audits EWC’s finances.

“You could do it but you would be caught right away and it would be obvious that you did it,” she says.

The alleged thefts in the 1990’s, like the ongoing Pudding investigation, involve glamorous campus personalities and organizations.

Lee and Sword, like Pomey, were well known around campus. He used money he inherited from his grandfather, according to a close friend, to drive expensive sports cars, maintain a fancy stereo system in his room and smoke Cuban cigars.


Lee rose quickly through EWC’s ranks and was known by many for his caring—after a death in the family of one of the skaters in the show, Lee drove the skater back to her native Montreal.

Sword also amassed an impressive resume during his time at Harvard. He socialized at the Fox, an all-male final club, was active in the Phillips Brooks House, served as business manager for the Hasty Pudding Theatricals and helped produce Citystep, a dance program for underprivileged children.

What Can Be Done?

While EWC reformed its auditing practices following the theft, the College never overhauled its system of monitoring student group finances.

In fact, the policies in place 13 years ago closely resemble the current system.

The 1989-1990 Student Handbook required that all student groups present a financial report to the Dean of Students. According to the Handbook, “a management seminar is held each spring to introduce new officers to basic accounting procedures.”

The College also offered grants for student groups to consult with an accountant.

Current systems to monitor student groups are slightly more stringent.

A required seminar on accounting procedures is held each fall for student leaders.

Illingworth says that since the spring of 2000, he has called in Risk Management and Audit Services (RMAS)—which normally audits the University’s budgets—to help audit certain student groups.
