
Council Insiders Offer 'Real Plan' and Record of Long Service

The candidates admit that, in the past, the council may not have done enough for students.

“Much of the perceptions are very close to the truth,” Chopra says. “The problem is that people want things immediately. Things take a long time.”

They also highlight the importance of striking a balance between short-term accomplishment and long-term vision.

As an example, the team cites the perennial campaign promise of a student center. They say it simply isn’t reasonable to expect that to happen in one year.

Instead, they promise to fight for improvements to Loker Commons in the short term. For the long term, they say they will begin working toward a true student center.


Chopra also says he will address what he describes as a disconnect between council members and the students they represent.

“The other problem is that people don’t seem to know their council representatives,” Chopra says. “No one knows exactly what we’re working on. We want to be much more visible.”

‘A Perfect Fit’

The team pairs Chopra’s extensive knowledge of the issues with Stannard-Friel’s social and interpersonal skills, a combination they say will enable them to be effective.

While Chopra has dealt mainly with implementing administrative change, Stannard-Friel’s specialty lies within the student body’s social realm.

Stannard-Friel has been the social chair of the Campus Life Committee for the last two semesters. She is also a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and the Harvard College Democrats, and she helps to organize the Evening With Champions figure-skating charity event.

When not working on the council, Chopra tutors at a local correctional facility, works at Lamont Library and serves on the city of Cambridge’s Harvard Square Design Committee.

“Jessica’s able to really get people excited about things,” Chopra says. “I’m able to get people angry and ready to work hard. We’re very different—it’s a perfect fit.”
