
Saved by the Bell: Lost in the Transfer—A Christmas Carol

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So let’s get back to the Christmas story. What is this time of year supposed to be about? Giving and receiving? Santa? Family? Redemption? Heavenly peace?

Giving and receiving. Give thanks, Coach Murphy, that the matter involving this receiver didn’t get as complicated as it could have.

Santa. Feel bad, if you wish, for young Marco Minuto—if only for his first misadventure. We weren’t there, and can’t know for sure what “Santa” actually promised him. Some of his actions then and since would suggest he wasn’t promised anything at all, that Marco is in fact the type who would have tried to pull the wool over Santa’s eyes. And we know that naughty little boys who try that stuff get nothing but coal in the end. Yet at some point, Minuto must have thought his suit could succeed. Who knows?

Family. Marco’s youngest sister, DeShanna, was a Division I First Team Field Hockey All Star this season—which probably salvaged some awkward family dinners. Family is good, especially in the worst of times. Here’s hoping they’re no worse for the wear.


Redemption. Feel further redeemed, Harvard, about this matter—to the extent that it’s appropriate. To be honest, I don’t know what that extent is.

And the rest of you Harvard types? You occupy a space in the world some would do anything—anything—to enjoy. You got a heck of a gift in the form of a fat envelope at some point, many of you right around this time of year. Not everyone was, or is, as lucky. Be humble, be grateful and be at peace.

What is it angels say, the multitude of the heavenly host? “Glory to God in the highest / And on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

In this case, I guess it’s really just “peace to those on whom his favor rests on earth.” For who can really tell about the other thing?

Merry Christmas.

—Staff writer Martin S. Bell can be reached at
