
Harvard Grad Prepares To Leave Home on the Street

In the alumni reports, each class member is asked to submit a statement updating former classmates on their current lives.

Agatha’s show a woman on the move—professionally and personally successful. It seems, though, that sometime in the intervening years, her mental health began to falter.

In her five-year report, submitted in 1986, Agatha writes that she had received her masters degree from Cambridge University in England while working under a “renowned economist.” She then says she transferred to Oxford to pursue a Doctorate in Philosophy.

She expresses pride at her achievements—especially as an Ashanti woman.

“It was very unusual for me, because of my culture, to attend Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford consecutively,” she writes.


Agatha then mentions that she left her doctoral program at Oxford to immerse herself in the world of consulting.

For this report in 1986, she cites her position as an “International Economist” with Goldman Sachs, a New York-based investment firm.

Goldman, however, was unable to locate any records of employment under her name, according to a company spokesperson.

Five years later, in her 10-year alumni report, Agatha states that she is working as a financial consultant for TDC Incorporated, a company in Los Angeles.

The phone number that she listed as her work number is now disconnected.

She goes on to state that she had worked at Chase Manhattan Bank for two years.

Chase Manhattan, now a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase, does have a record of her working there for a 10-day period in February 1987 as a “Senior Control Clerk.” No job description was available.

In this same 10-year report, though, where she describes her successful life, there are signs of possible problems and strange contradictions.

At one point, she appeals to her fellow alumni for information on jobs in New York and Los Angeles, asking them to send any information to her address in Ghana.

There are signs that she is searching for romantic involvement as well. She mentions that she is single, but looking for a relationship.
