
Scientists Come Out To Play at Ig Nobels

Nobel laureates Richard J. Roberts, William N. Lipscomb, who is Lawrence professor of chemistry, emeritus, and Dudley R. Herschbach, who is Baird professor science, presided over the ceremony.

Seven science professionals––including NPR anchor Ira Flatow and Harvard Professor of Astronomy Alyssa A. Goodman––presented a series of “24/7 Seminars” intermittently during the ceremony.

The speakers lectured on a branch of science twice—a 24-second technical explanation followed by a seven-word layperson’s explanation.

Jargon, indeed, was the theme of the ceremony. The world premiere of librettist Marc Abraham’s “The Jargon Opera” also amused the audience between the presentation of awards. The accompanist, Gregory Neil, was billed as the pianist “with a broken hand.”

The Dresden Dolls, the Boston rock duo with an eclectically anachronistic style, dressed as mimes and held the stage for a 20-minute pre-ceremony performance.


The science humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research organized the event, which the Harvard Computer Society, Harvard-Radcliffe Science Fiction Association and Harvard-Radcliffe Society of Physics co-sponsored.

Last night’s ceremony was the first Ig Nobel event of three to be held this weekend.

The laureates will discuss their winning work this afternoon at 3 p.m. in the School of Public Health’s Snyder Auditorium. MIT will host a similar event tomorrow.
