
FallFeast Attracts First-Years to Quad

Members of the bands that performed at FallFeast said they enjoyed the publicity they received among students.

“It was a good opportunity to play our new songs for an audience,” said Geoffrey S. Harcourt ’04, lead singer of headlining band Subject to Change. “Our recording will be released this fall, so we were happy to promote ourselves before it comes out.”

While plans had called for FallFeast to be located outside on Radcliffe Quad, Saturday’s downpour forced the celebration to be moved inside the Pfoho dining hall.

“It was going to have a big outdoor concert feel, but now it has an cozy, relaxed inside feel,” said Jessica R. Stannard-Friel ’04, social chair of the council’s Campus Life Committee.

Although hundreds attended FallFeast, council member Colin S. Kelly ’05 noted that the rain kept students in river Houses from venturing to the Quad.


But those who braved the wet weather said they enjoyed themselves.

Shen added that the best part of FallFeast was “being inside while it’s raining out with good food and music.”
