
Ripped from Harvard Headlines

‘Law & Order’ draws from West, Summers dispute

Some students said they were miffed by the suggestion that Sanders killed Winthrop.

“I think that’s pretty inflammatory,” said Andre R. Kydd ’04. “It’s pretty off the wall, if you ask me.”

“At first, I thought it was in poor taste,” said Marvin C. Pittman ’02. “I was glad it didn’t end up going that way.”

While the show was airing, Pittman e-mailed the Black Men’s Forum list to ask, “Is anyone watching this right now?!?”

Others found a deeper meaning behind the show.


“Isn’t it remarkable how a university that prides itself on its critical distance from reality is satirized in modern media?” said Jeremy P. Galen ’04.

The Harvard University News Office declined to comment on the episode.
