
Committee Urges Harvard Pay Raises

Katz report criticizes outsourcing, does not call for ‘living wage’

“The wage floor could also become a kind of wage ceiling,” the report stated.

Many members, therefore, felt adopting a living wage would address “the symptoms and not the causes” of low wages at Harvard.

But McKean and seven other members of the committee signed concurring opinions that advocated a wage floor, in addition to the parity wage and benefits policy.

“We remain convinced that the only way to ensure that wages will keep pace with the cost of living is to adopt a living wage policy,” McKean wrote in an addendum to the report.


What’s Next?

According to the report, the committee plans to reconvene in May to assess the University’s progress in implementing the recommendations.

But committee members will not know until after Jan. 18 whether Summers will choose to accept the recommendations.

“I would hope the president takes these recommendations very seriously,” Katz said.

“I think it would be a mistake if the University didn’t accept it,” said committee member Matthew Milikowsky ’02. “These recommendations have been unanimously accepted by a very diverse group who spent a lot of time thinking about these issues.”

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy ’54-’56 (D-Mass.), who had voiced support for the living wage during last spring’s sit-in, issued a statement Dec. 19 supporting the committee’s recommendations and the concurring opinions.

“By adopting these recommendations, and taking the concurring views of the workers and students into account, Harvard will improve the quality of lives of its employees, and serve as a strong model for millions of other hard-working men and women across America,” he said.

In addition, the committee recommended that the University set up a system of implementation guidelines, including an annual public release of data on lower-paid workers at Harvard.

For its part, PSLM has pledged to continue pushing its living wage campaign—which will soon be entering its fourth year of activity—rallying in support of higher wages, increased benefits and stronger support for unions.

PSLM members held a series of actions on Dec. 19 in Cambridge, coordinated with demonstrations at the Harvard Clubs of New York City and San Francisco.
