25 Years Ago
Faculty Council Approves Fox Housing Proposal, Decision Left to Rosovsky
Dean Fox’s controversial proposal to revamp the housing system moved one step closer to implementation last week as the Faculty Council unanimously approved the plan at its regular meeting last Wednesday….
The Fox Plan eliminates sophomore housing in Canaday Hall and means the end of four-class housing at the Quad, turning the Quad Houses into three-year Houses like the River Houses.
—Feb. 7, 1977
City Council Approves DNA Research
The Cambridge City Council last night ensured the survival of recombinant DNA research within the city limits as it ratified the recommendations of the Cambridge Experimentation Review Board (CERB), the citizen’s panel that recommended the controversial research be allowed to continue under special guidelines....
When Mayor Alfred E. Vellucci’s special amendment completely banning the research failed, it was apparent the CERB recommendations would be approved.
—Feb. 8, 1977