
Program Encourages New Civil Rights Leaders

“They were really able to convey their passion to us,” Akbar said.

Throughout the summer, CRS students also have weekly dinner discussions with newsmakers on Tuesdays and other panel discussions on Fridays—including an upcoming meeting with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy ’54-’56 (D.-Mass.).The group has met with activists and government leaders on the local, state and national level.


“We’re seeing people operating on all different levels,” Akbar says.

The program seeks to expose students to many different aspects of civil rights law and social justice, including the American Indian rights movement, immigration issues, affirmative action and educational equity movements.

“We want people to be able to identify with at least one speaker over the summer and say ‘Hey, I could do that,’” Rose says.

Akbar, who is active in Wellesley’s Muslim Students’ Association, is working in the AFL-CIO’s Civil Rights Division, where she is working on election reform issues in the wake of the disputed presidential election last fall.

The only Harvard student to participate this summer, Fred O. Smith ’04 who serves as political director for Harvard’s Black Students’ Association, was placed by CRS at the NEA after expressing an interest in education.

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