
Rubin's Steady Hand Guided World Finances

Rubin is often lauded for his ability to keep his ego in check.

“He knows that containing one’s ego and helping the people around them shine instead of competing with them is not only a nice way to live but is actually the most effective way to be successful in the long run,” Sperling says.

Podesta adds that Rubin is far from a stereotypical Washington insider.


“He doesn’t have typical political attributes,” Podesta says. “He is kind of reserved rather than what passes for leadership in Washington, which is often bombastic and self-aggrandizing.”


Rubin’s commitment to partnership and cooperation is particularly evident in his close relationship with Summers, his Deputy Secretary and successor as Secretary at the Treasury. Together, the Secretary and his deputy heralded Clinton’s new economic plan.

“The Rubin-Summers treasury team will long be remembered as a really imaginative and creative,” Rogoff says. Together, the two introduced the inflation index as a measure of the country’s economic health and engineered “mundane and archaic ways of raising money, reducing debt and lowering interest costs. They really ruled the roost in the Clinton administration.”

The Rubin-Summers team was particularly successful because each player brought different skills to the administration.

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