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“I’ve gotten some really random stuff. Husbands will call their wives on their cell phones, and I’ve signed some guy’s chest. It’s ok, but when you’re in the grocery just trying to get your Lean Cuisines…I guess I took my anonymity for granted,” he says.

He has even been featured in supermarket tabloids.

“They said I was the token gay on the show. I got a kick of out that,” he says.

So why did he do it?

“When you apply, you don’t think you’ll make it. I think I did it for an escape from school, and I thought it would be fun,” he says.


Was it fun?

“No. no,” he replies immediately. “It was amazing and I would do it over again in a heartbeat, but it was not fun,” he says.

Interestingly, the hard working law student, ROTC member and part-time model earned a reputation for being lazy on the show.

“I don’t know where that came from. I actually worked hard out there, but I don’t really care,” he says, “it’s just a television show.”

Being on the highest rated show on television has not really changed this normal student.

“I really liked my life before ‘Survivor.’ If this is going to be the highlight of my life, that’s really depressing,” he says.

He plans to graduate from law school and spend four years in the Judge Advocate General.

“After that, I’d really like to be the Mayor of Seattle,” he admits.

In that challenge, perhaps now Brown has earned the skill to outwit, outlast and out survive.

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