
Six Months After the 'Roller Coaster'

Gore campaign manager Brazile reflects on controversial election

But despite the outcome, Brazile says she has used the election to renew her commitment to politics and public service.

"If the campaign did anything, it revived my faith in the American system of government," Brazile says. "It's not a perfect system, but it's endured for over 200 years now."


She says the irregularities in voting in Florida and other states have given her new political goals-election reform, voter education and more youth involvement.

"There's no place in our democracy for hanging chads, swinging chads, or pregnant chads," Brazile says. "There's no place in our democracy for long lines at the voting booths. There's no place for untrained poll workers."

Brazile cites the thousands of black voters misidentified as felons who were purged from voting rolls. One of Brazile's own sisters who lives in Florida had to produce three forms of identification on Election Day.

"These are problems that we can solve, that we should solve," Brazile says.

Some efforts have been made towards election reform. Last week, the Florida state legislature passed a bill to replace outdated polling equipment, provide more funding for poll worker training and voter education, and create a statewide standard for manual recounts and ballot irregularities.

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