
Life of Brian: Walsh Pays Tribute to Senior Class

“Wihout [outfielder]Scott Carmack, we’re a different ballclub. He’s our go-to guy. He did a great job for us in the leadoff spot. He had great at-bats. What else can you say?

“He can’t even squeeze his hand right now. He refused to get X-rayed because he wanted a chance to play today. The doctor says he’s got a fracture. I knew that. But he wanted to get in-that’s the kind of kid he is.

“[Pitcher] John Birtwell wears his heart on his sleeve. If I’m in a foxhole, I want that guy in there with me. He loves to win. He loves the game.


“If you could get a group of high school kids together, you’d just videotape [Birtwell] and show it to them. Then you could say ‘This is what a competitor is. This is what a battler is.’

“I thought the 1-0 loss we had down in Florida against Ohio State was typical Birtwell. He pitched his guts out. And then after the game, he’s telling the team, ‘Sticks’ll be there tomorrow, fellas. Sticks’ll be there tomorrow.’

“You don’t see that in the pro ball, you don’t see that in college-you don’t see that anywhere.

“So how do you replace that? You don’t. You hope that maybe somebody remembers it and passes it on.

“[Utility player] John O’Donnell was 1-for-35 this year, but he was still valuable for us. If [sophomore catcher Brian] Lentz went down, he’s our number one catcher. He plays pretty good defensive ly in center field.

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