
Council Debates How To Spend New Funds

"With careful planning, the council can save the $50,000 necessary to begin gaining interest," Gusmorino said. "If we can hold that money in the bank for just half a year, at a 5 percent interest rate, that's an extra $1,250 in revenue."

BF: Must Be the Money


At the Ad-Hoc Committee meeting, each standing committee presented a budget that was then debated and informally voted upon by the Ad-Hoc Committee's members at large.

After some debate over how much more money College student groups can use, the Ad-Hoc Committee tentatively voted to allow the Finance Committee a budget of just under $130,000-up from less than $100,000 in previous years.

FiCom Chair Trisha S. Dasgupta `03 said providing student groups with funds is "the most direct and tangible way in which students' term bill contributions benefit campus life."

The Student Affairs Committee asked for and received $3,000 for awards and other minor projects.

The Campus Life Committee (CLC)-responsible for last weekend's Springfest-will tentatively receive slightly over $50,000. Previous budgets have fallen around $30,000.

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