
ShuttleGirl’s Identity Revealed

Although there is some concern that the Harvard website will not feature the ShuttleGirl logo, Delvecchio and Karamchandani said loyal users would still be able to use as long as Karamchandani is at Harvard.

Both the original and mirror sites would benefit from Harvard resources.


“ShuttleGirl kind of took off ridiculously, so there’s no way we can support it,” Delvecchio said. “It’s become too time consuming.”

Delvecchio, who was scheduled to start working for McKinsey in Houston this September, has pushed back his start date to November so he can focus on the ShuttleGirl project.

What began as just a silhouette has become a vast network of shuttle schedule information.

In addition to the website, ShuttleGirl is available for Palm Pilots and in wireless form.

By dialing 4-TELL, users can get shuttle information over the phone with the assistance of the voice of ShuttleGirl, Colleen M. Gargan `02.

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