
Student Labor Reps Have Divergent Views

This background made him a logical choice when PSLM discussed which of its members should run. Some other PSLM members who considered running opted out to prevent multiple PSLM candidates from splitting pro-living wage SAC votes.

Stephen N. Smith `02 bowed out when he learned McKean was a candidate. He even sent lengthy e-mails to several friends on SAC, giving his "strongest personal recommendation" to McKean.

During the elections, several candidates--including Milikowsky--said they favored splitting the undergraduate delegation, sending one PSLM member and one non-PSLM representative.


"I think that's great," McKean says. "People understand we're not dogmatic ideologues. We've thought deeply and come to reasonable conclusions."

McKean says he plans to bring new data on the demographics of Harvard's low-paid workers and on the cost of living in the Boston area to the Katz Committee.

SAC conservatives opposed McKean's candidacy, saying a PSLM member would be unwilling to compromise on the committee.

"I don't think that Ben McKean is the kind of open-minded student interest that is needed," says council treasurer Justin A. Barkley `02. "He's been part of an organization that has done a skit where they put [University President Neil L.] Rudenstine in jail."

But Smith says McKean will be a good spokesperson for the living wage cause--"someone who's not going to tick anybody off."

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